

The comfortable framework for making games in Wren

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The graphics module provides utilities for drawing to the screen.

It contains the following classes:


The Canvas class is the core api for graphical display.


static font: String

This is the name of the default font used for Canvas.print(str, x, y, color). You can set this to Font.default to return to the DOME built-in font.

static height: Number

This is the height of the canvas/viewport, in pixels.

static width: Number

This is the width of the canvas/viewport, in pixels.

static offset: Vector

A vector representing the Canvas offset. You can both get and set this value.

static clip: Vector

A vector representing the Canvas clipping region. The z and w fields correspond to the width and height, respectively.


static circle(x: Number, y: Number, r: Number, c: Color)

Draw a circle, centered at co-ordinates (x, y), with a radius r, in the color c.

static circlefill(x: Number, y: Number, r: Number, c: Color)

Draw a filled circle, centered at co-ordinates (x, y), with a radius r, in the color c.

static clip()

static clip(x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number)

This sets a “clipping region” for the canvas. No pixels will be drawn outside of the defined region. If this method is called without arguments it resets the clipping area to the whole display.

static cls()

This clears the canvas fully, to black. This ignores the Canvas.clip and Canvas.offset commands.

static cls(c: Color)

This clears the canvas fully, to the color c. This ignores the Canvas.clip and Canvas.offset commands.

static draw(object: Drawable, x: Number, y: Number)

This method is syntactic sugar, to draw objects with a “draw(x: Number, y: Number)” method.

static ellipse(x0: Number, y0: Number, x1: Number, y1: Number, c: Color)

Draw an ellipse between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) in the color c.

static ellipsefill(x0: Number, y0: Number, x1: Number, y1: Number, c: Color)

Draw a filled ellipse between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) in the color c.

static getPrintArea(text: String): Vector

Return a Vector representing the maximum height and width needed to draw text in the current default font.

static line(x0: Number, y0: Number, x1: Number, y1: Number, c: Color)

static line(x0: Number, y0: Number, x1: Number, y1: Number, c: Color, size: Number)

Draw a line size pixels wide between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) in the color c. By default, size is 1.

static offset()

static offset(x: Number, y: Number)

Offset all following draw operations by (x, y). Calling this without arguments resets the offset to zero. You can use this to implement screen scrolling, or screenshake-style effects.

static print(str, x: Number, y: Number, c: Color)

Print the text str with the top-left corner at (x, y) in color c, using the currently set default font. See Canvas.font for more information. The text will be split across multiple lines if a newline (\n) character is encountered. The vertical line spacing defaults to fontHeight / 4, where fontHeight is the maximum height of a font character in pixels, but this will be configurable in future versions of DOME.

static print(str, x: Number, y: Number, c: Color, fontName: String)

Print the text str with the top-left corner at (x, y) in color c, in the specified font. The text will be split across multiple lines if a newline (\n) character is encountered. The vertical line spacing is calculated for each font, but this will be configurable in future versions of DOME.

static pset(x: Number, y: Number, c: Color)

Set the pixel at (x, y) to the color c.

static pget(x: Number, y: Number): Color

Get the color of the pixel at (x, y).

static rect(x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number, c: Color)

Draw a rectangle with the top-left corner at (x, y), with a width of w and h in color c.

static rectfill(x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number, c: Color)

Draw a filled rectangle with the top-left corner at (x, y), with a width of w and h in color c.

static resize(width: Number, height: Number)

static resize(width: Number, height: Number, c: Color)

Resize the canvas to the given width and height, and reset the color of the canvas to c. If c isn’t provided, we default to black. Resizing the canvas resets the “clipping region” to encompass the whole canvas, as if Canvas.clip() was called.

static triangle(x0: Number, y0: Number, x1: Number, y1: Number, x2: Number, y2: Number, c: Color)

Draw a triangle with vertices at (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in the color c.

static trianglefill(x0: Number, y0: Number, x1: Number, y1: Number, x2: Number, y2: Number, c: Color)

Draw a filled triangle with vertices at (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in the color c.


An instance of the Color class represents a single color which can be used for drawing to the Canvas. DOME comes built-in with the PICO-8 palette, but you can also define and use your own colors in your games.


construct hex(hexcode: String)

Create a new color with the given hexcode as a string of three to eight alpha-numeric values. Hex values can be upper or lowercase, with or without a #. If three or four digits are provided, the number is interpreted as if each digit was written twice (similar to CSS): for example, #123 is the same as #112233. If four or eight digits found, the last digit(s) form the value of the alpha channel. Otherwise, it is defaulted to 255 (fully opaque).

construct hsv(h: Number, s: Number, v: Number)

Create a new color using the given HSV number and an alpha value of 255. The s and v parameters must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

construct hsv(h: Number, s: Number, v: Number, a: Number)

Create a new color using the given HSV number and an alpha value of a, between 0 - 255. The s and v parameters must be between 0.0 and 1.0.

construct rgb(r: Number, g: Number, b: Number)

Create a new color with the given RGB values between 0 - 255, and an alpha value of 255.

construct rgb(r: Number, g: Number, b: Number, a: Number)

Create a new color with the given RGBA values between 0 - 255.

construct new(r: Number, g: Number, b: Number)

construct new(r: Number, g: Number, b: Number, a: Number)

Deprecated, aliases for rgb constructor.

Instance Fields

r: Number

A value between 0 - 255 to represent the red color channel.

g: Number

A value between 0 - 255 to represent the green color channel.

b: Number

A value between 0 - 255 to represent the blue color channel.

a: Number

A value between 0 - 255 to represent the alpha transparency channel.

Default Palette

The values for the colors in this palette can be found here.

  • static black: Color
  • static darkblue : Color
  • static darkpurple: Color
  • static darkgreen: Color
  • static brown: Color
  • static darkgray: Color
  • static lightgray: Color
  • static white: Color
  • static red: Color
  • static orange: Color
  • static yellow: Color
  • static green: Color
  • static blue: Color
  • static indigo: Color
  • static pink: Color
  • static peach: Color

In addition to these two values:

  • static none: Color - Representing clear transparency.
  • static purple: Color - #8d3cff, the DOME logo color.


Represents an object which can be drawn to the screen. Objects which conform to this interface can be passed to Canvas.draw(drawable, x, y).

Instance Methods

draw(x: Number, y: Number): Void

Draw the image at the given (x, y) position on the screen.


DOME includes a built-in fixed 8x8 pixel font, but you can also load and use fonts from TTF files stored on the file system.

Static Methods

static load(name: String, path: String, size: Number): Font

Load the font file at path, rasterize it to the pixel height of size, and map this to the name for later reference. You will need to call this once for each font size, and name must be unique, or you will overwrite the old font.

static [fontName]: Font

You can retrieve a specific font using the index operator, for example Font["NewFont"].

Instance Methods

getArea(text: String): Vector

Calculate the maximum size that this font will take to print text to the display. Returns as a Vector of (width, height).

print(text: String, x: Number, y: Number, color: Color): Void

Print the text on the canvas at (x, y), in the given color.

Instance Field

antialias: Boolean

TTF fonts can be scaled to any size, but to look good at certain sizes, you can set antialias to true so that some pixels are made partially transparent, to appear smoother. This is false by default.


extends Drawable

This class represents the data from an image, such as a sprite or tilemap. DOME supports the following formats:

  • JPEG baseline & progressive (12 bpc/arithmetic not supported, same as stock IJG lib)
  • PNG 1/2/4/8/16-bit-per-channel
  • BMP non-1bpp, non-RLE

Static Methods

static [name]: ImageData

Fetch a cached image, if it’s available. Returns null otherwise.

static create(name: String, width: Number, height: Number): ImageData

Creates a blank image of the size width x height and caches it as name for future use.

static load(path: String): ImageData

Load an image at the given path and cache it for use.

static loadFromFile(path: String): ImageData

Load an image at the given path and cache it for use. loadFromFile is deprecated, use load instead.

Instance Fields

height: Number

width: Number

Instance Methods

draw(x: Number, y: Number): Void

Draw the image at the given (x, y) position on the screen.

drawArea(srcX: Number, srcY: Number, srcW: Number, srcH: Number, destX: Number, destY: Number): Void

Draw a subsection of the image, defined by the rectangle (srcX, srcY) to (srcX + srcW, srcY + srcH). The resulting section is placed at (destX, destY).

pset(x: Number, y: Number, color: Color): Void

Set a pixel at (x, y) in the ImageData to color c.

pget(x: Number, y: Number): Color

Fetch the current pixel at (x, y) in the ImageData.

saveToFile(path: String): Void

Saves the current image data at the given path.

transform(parameterMap): Drawable

This returns a Drawable which will perform the specified transforms, allowing for more fine-grained control over how images are drawn. You can store the returned drawable and reuse it across frames, while the image is loaded.

Options available are:

  • srcX, srcY - These specify the top-left corner of the source image region you wish to draw.
  • srcW, srcH - This is the width and height of the source image region you want to draw.
  • scaleX, scaleY - You can scale your image in the x and y axis, independant of each other. If either of these are negative, they result in a “flip” operation.
  • angle - Rotates the image. This is in degrees, and rounded to the nearest 90 degrees.
  • opacity - A number between 0.0 and 1.0, this sets the global opacity of this image. Any alpha values in the image will be multipled by this value,
  • tint - A color value which is to be applied on top of the image. Use the tint color’s alpha to control how strong the tint is.
  • mode, foreground and background - By default, mode is "RGBA", so your images will draw in their true colors. If you set it to "MONO", any pixels which are black or have transparency will be drawn in the background color and all other pixels of the image will be drawn in the foreground color. Both colors must be Color objects, and default to Color.black and Color.white, respectively.

Transforms are applied as follows: Crop to the region, then rotate, then scale/flip.

Here is an example:

  "srcX": 8, "srcY": 8,
  "srcW": 8, "srcH": 8,
  "scaleX": 2,
  "scaleY": -2,
  "angle": 90
}).draw(x, y)

The code snippet above:

  • crops an 8x8 tile from a spritesheet, starting from (8, 8) in it’s image data
  • It then rotates it 90 degrees clockwise
  • Finally, it scales the tile up by 2 in both the X and Y direction, but it flips the tile vertically.


This class can load in an image and divide it into a fixed-size grid of smaller squares, as a convenience. It’s useful for loading multiple sprites from a single file. This can also be used as the foundation of an animation system, when multiple frames are stored on the same image.

Sprites can be chosen via index. Sprites are numbered from 0, left-to-right across the spritesheet, and then in rows from top-to-bottom.


load(path: String, tileSize: Number): SpriteSheet

load(path: String, tileSize: Number, scale: Number): SpriteSheet

This loads a file from disk at path and treats it as a grid of images of tileSize wide and tall. The dimensions of the spritesheet at path need to be an exact multiple of tileSize.

loadFromImage(image: ImageData, tileSize: Number): SpriteSheet

loadFromImage(image: ImageData, tileSize: Number, scale: Number): SpriteSheet

This takes an already loaded image and treats it as a grid of sprites of tileSize wide and tall. The dimensions of the spritesheet at path need to be an exact multiple of tileSize.

Instance Fields

getTile(index: Number): DrawCommand

Get a DrawCommand for rendering the tile index.

draw(index: Number, x: Number, y: Number)

Draw tile index on the spritesheet at location (x, y) on screen.

draw(index: Number, x: Number, y: Number, parameterMap)

Draw tile index on the spritesheet at location (x, y) on screen. This will also apply the given transform parameterMap to the tile being drawn. You can reference the ImageData.transform documentation for a list of available parameters.

drawFrom(tileX: Number, tileY: Number, x: Number, y: Number)

Draw tile (tileX, tileY) on the spritesheet at location (x, y) on screen.

drawFrom(tileX: Number, tileY: Number, x: Number, y: Number, parameterMap)

Draw tile (tileX, tileY) on the spritesheet at location (x, y) on screen. This will also apply the given transform parameterMap to the tile being drawn. You can reference the ImageData.transform documentation for a list of available parameters.

Instance Methods

fg: Color

The SpriteSheet will render the sprite using this color if the pixel isn’t transparent.

bg: Color

The SpriteSheet will render the sprite using this color if the pixel is transparent.