

The comfortable framework for making games in Wren

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The input module allows you to retrieve the state of input devices such as the keyboard, mouse and game controllers.

It contains the following classes:


An instance of DigitalInput represents an input such as a keyboard key, mouse button or controller button, which can be either “pressed” or “unpressed”.

Instance Methods

repeat(): Void

Causes the current state of the input to be repeated, which can affect the justPressed property. This is useful in certain scenarios where an input’s state may be tested repeatedly, but before the user has had a chance to release the input.

reset(): Void

Resets the input state, as if the input was just set to no longer be down. This is useful in certain scenarios where an input’s state may be tested repeatedly, but before the user has had a chance to release the input.

Instance Fields

static down: Boolean

This is true if the digital input is “pressed” or otherwise engaged.

static justPressed: Boolean

Returns true if the input was “pressed” down on this tick.

static previous: Boolean

This gives you the value of “down” on the previous tick, since input was last processed. (Depending on game loop lag, input may be processed once for multiple update ticks.)

static repeats: Number

This counts the number of ticks that an input has been engaged for. If the input isn’t engaged, this should be zero.


This class gives easy access to your operating system’s clipboard for copy/paste operations.

Static Fields

static content: String

Returns the current content of the clipboard. Set this field to put a new value into the user’s clipboard.


You can use an InputGroup to check the state of multiple DigitalInput objects simultanously. It also includes some features for checking if the input is being held. This is useful for implementing more complex control schemes where input/key remapping is required.


new(inputs: DigitalInput | Sequence<DigitalInput>): InputGroup

Given either a single input, or a sequence of multiple inputs, it creates an InputGroup object.

Instance Fields

repeating: Boolean

When set to true, this input is allowed to fire repeatedly.

frequency: Number

The number of ticks an input needs to be held for before the group considers it a repeat.

threshold: Number

The InputGroup won’t start checking for repeats until after threshold ticks have occurred.

down: Boolean

Returns true if any of the group inputs are down.

justPressed: Boolean

Returns true if any of the group inputs are justPressed.

firing: Boolean

Returns true when an input has just ben pressed. If repeating is set and the input has been held down longer than threshold ticks, then firing will be true every frequency ticks.

Instance Methods

reset(): Void

Resets the input state for the entire group, as if the input was just set to no longer be down. This is useful in certain scenarios where an input’s state may be tested repeatedly, but before the user has had a chance to release the input.


Static Fields

static allPressed: Map<string, DigitalInput>

This returns a map containing the key names and corresponding DigitalInput objects, for all keys which are currently “down”.

static compositionText: String

When handleText is true, this method returns the text of the currently selected composition received from the user’s IME, if they are using one. Otherwise, this value is null.

static compositionRange: Range

When handleText is true, this provides a range object indicating which portion of the compositionText is being modified by the IME.

static handleText: Boolean

Indicates whether the text input features of DOME are enabled or not.

static text: String

When handleText is true, this method returns text entered since the previous tick. You should store this value if you need it to persist across ticks.

Static Methods

static [name]: DigitalInput

This returns a digital input of a valid name. See Keyboard.isKeyDown for a list of valid names.

It contains the following classes:


An instance of DigitalInput represents an input such as a keyboard key, mouse button or controller button, which can be either “pressed” or “unpressed”.

Instance Methods

repeat(): Void

Causes the current state of the input to be repeated, which can affect the justPressed property. This is useful in certain scenarios where an input’s state may be tested repeatedly, but before the user has had a chance to release the input.

reset(): Void

Resets the input state, as if the input was just set to no longer be down. This is useful in certain scenarios where an input’s state may be tested repeatedly, but before the user has had a chance to release the input.

Instance Fields

static down: Boolean

This is true if the digital input is “pressed” or otherwise engaged.

static justPressed: Boolean

Returns true if the input was “pressed” down on this tick.

static previous: Boolean

This gives you the value of “down” on the previous tick, since input was last processed. (Depending on game loop lag, input may be processed once for multiple update ticks.)

static repeats: Number

This counts the number of ticks that an input has been engaged for. If the input isn’t engaged, this should be zero.


This class gives easy access to your operating system’s clipboard for copy/paste operations.

Static Fields

static content: String

Returns the current content of the clipboard. Set this field to put a new value into the user’s clipboard.


You can use an InputGroup to check the state of multiple DigitalInput objects simultanously. It also includes some features for checking if the input is being held. This is useful for implementing more complex control schemes where input/key remapping is required.


Instance Methods


Static Fields

static allPressed: Map<string, DigitalInput>

This returns a map containing the key names and corresponding DigitalInput objects, for all keys which are currently “down”.

static compositionText: String

When handleText is true, this method returns the text of the currently selected composition received from the user’s IME, if they are using one. Otherwise, this value is null.

static compositionRange: Range

When handleText is true, this provides a range object indicating which portion of the compositionText is being modified by the IME.

static handleText: Boolean

Indicates whether the text input features of DOME are enabled or not.

static text: String

When handleText is true, this method returns text entered since the previous tick. You should store this value if you need it to persist across ticks.

Static Methods

static [name]: DigitalInput

This returns a digital input of a valid name. See Keyboard.isKeyDown for a list of valid names.

static isButtonPressed(key: String): Boolean

static isKeyDown(key: String): Boolean

Returns true if the named key is pressed. The key uses the SDL key name, which can be referenced here.

textRegion(x: Number, y: Number, width: Number, height: Number): void

Use this to hint to the OS at where the user is expecting entered text to be displayed. The OS may use this to display the IME in a suitable location. This must be set while handleText is true, or the effect may be inconsistent.


Static Fields

static cursor: String

Gets or sets the system cursor to the name provided. Available cursor names are:

  • arrow
  • ibeam
  • wait
  • crosshair
  • waitarrow
  • sizenwse
  • sizenesw
  • sizewe
  • sizens
  • sizeall
  • no
  • hand

Mac OS X will set the system cursor to arrow if wait or waitarrow is set. Mac OS X will set the system cursor to a closed hand if sizenwse, sizenesw or sizeall is set.

static hidden: Boolean

Controls whether the mouse cursor is shown or hidden. You can set and read from this field.

static pos: Vector

static position: Vector

Returns a vector of (Mouse.x, Mouse.y) for convenience.

static relative: Boolean

If set to true, the mouse is placed into relative mode. In this mode, the mouse will be fixed to the center of the screen. You can set and read from this field. This changes the behaviour of the x and y fields.

static scroll: Vector

Returns a vector of (scrollX, scrollY), for convenience.

static scrollX: Number

The total distance the mouse wheel has scrolled horizontally in the past tick. Left is negative and right is positive.

static scrollY: Number

The total distance the mouse wheel has scrolled vertically in the past tick. Left is negative and down is positive.

static x: Number

The x position relative to the Canvas. This accounts for the window being resized and the viewport moving. If Mouse.relative is set, this will be the relative change of the mouse x position since the previous tick.

static y: Number

The y position relative to the Canvas. This accounts for the window being resized and the viewport moving. If Mouse.relative is set, this will be the relative change of the mouse y position since the previous tick.

Static Methods

static [name]: DigitalInput

This returns a digital input of a valid name. See Mouse.isButtonPressed for a list of valid names.

static isButtonPressed(name: String/Number): Boolean

Returns true if the named mouse button is pressed. You can use an index from 1-5 (button 0 is invalid) or a lowercase name:

  • left
  • middle
  • right
  • x1
  • x2


You can use a game pad as input for your games. DOME expects a game pad similar to those used by popular games consoles, with a D-Pad, face buttons, triggers and analog sticks.

Static Fields

all: List<GamePad>

Returns a list of GamePad objects representing all attached gamepads.

next: GamePad

Returns a GamePad representing an arbitrary attached gamepad. This isn’t guarenteed to return the same object every time, so you should cache it.

Static Methods

[id]: GamePad

This will return an object representing a GamePad. You can then read the state of that gamepad using the instance methods below.

If no gamepads are attached, you will receive a “dummy” object which will report null or empty values.

Instance Fields

allPressed: Map<string, DigitalInput>

This returns a map containing the key names and corresponding DigitalInput objects, for all keys which are currently “down”.

attached: Boolean

This returns true if the gamepad is still attached to the system.

id: Number

Returns the instance id for this gamepad, which can be used to fetch it using GamePad[id].

name: String

If the gamepad is attached, this returns the SDL internal name for that device.

Instance Methods

[name]: DigitalInput

This returns a digital input of a valid name. See GamePad.isButtonPressed for a list of valid names.

isButtonPressed(button: String): Boolean

Returns true if the named button is pressed. Valid button names are:

  • left - D-Pad Left
  • right - D-Pad Right
  • up - D-Pad Up
  • down - D-Pad Down
  • A - A Button
  • B - B Button
  • X - X Button
  • Y - Y Button
  • back - Back Button (Often referred to as “Select”)
  • start - Start Button
  • guide - Guide Button (On an XBox controller, this is the XBox button)
  • leftstick - Clicking the left stick
  • rightstick - Clicking the right stick
  • leftshoulder - Left shoulder button
  • rightshoulder - Right shoulder button

These button names are case insensitive.

getTrigger(side: String): Number

Gets the current state of the trigger on the specified side, as a number between 0.0 and 1.0. Valid sides are left and right.

getAnalogStick(side: String): Vector

Gets the current state of the specified analog stick as a Vector, with x and y values, which are normalised as values between -1.0 and 1.0. Valid sides are left and right.

rumble(strength: Number, duration: Number): Void

If the gamepad is able to vibrate, it will vibrate with a strength, clamped between 0.0 and 1.0, for a duration of milliseconds. Rumble and haptic feedback is dependant on platform drivers.