

The comfortable framework for making games in Wren

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The io module provides an interface to the host machine’s file system, in order to read and write data files.

It contains the following classes:


Static Methods

static basePath(): String

This returns the path to the directory where your application’s entry point is.

static listDirectories(path: String): List<String>

Returns a list of all directories contained in the directory

static listFiles(path: String): List<String>

Returns a list of all files in the directory.

static load(path: String): String

Given a valid file path, this loads the file data into a String object. This is a blocking operation, and so execution will stop while the file is loaded.

static prefPath(org: String, appName: String): String

This gives you a safe path where you can write personal game files (saves and settings), which are specific to this application. The given org and appName should be unique to this application. Either or both values may end up in the given file path, so they must adhere to some specific rules. Use letters, numbers, spaces, underscores. Avoid other punctuation.

static save(path: String, buffer: String): Void

Given a valid file path, this will create or overwrite the file the data in the buffer String object. This is a blocking operation, and so execution will stop while the file is saved.

static createDirectory(path: String): Void

Given a valid path, creates the directory, if it doesn’t already exist and makes parent directories as needed.

static doesFileExist(path: String): Boolean

Checks if the path to the given file exists. Does not check the tar bundle

static doesDirectoryExist(path: String): Boolean

Checks if the path to the given directory exists. Will also return false if the path is to A file instead. Does not check the tar bundle.