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The random module provides utilities for generating pseudo-random numbers, for a variety of applications. Please note, this module should not be used for applications which require a cryptographically secure source of random numbers.

DOME’s provides two pseudo-random number generators - the “Squirrel3” noise function, described by Squirrel Eiserloh in this talk, and “Squirrel5” noise function, which is an improvement over the “Squirrel3” generator.

The Squirrel3 class, also exposed as Random, and the Squirrel5 class both provide the same API, as documented below.


Static Methods

noise(x: Number): Number

Given x as an integer, this will return a 32-bit number based on the Squirrel3 noise function.

noise(x: Number, seed: Number): Number

Given x and seed as integers, this will return a 32-bit number based on the Squirrel3 noise function. The seed value can be used to get different outputs for the same position x.

Instance methods

construct new()

Creates a new instance of a random number generator, seeded based on the current system time.

construct new(seed: Number)

Creates a new instance of a random number generator, based on the provided seed value.

float(): Number

Returns a floating point value in the range of 0.0...1.0, inclusive of 0.0 but exclusive of 1.0.

float(end: Number): Number

Returns a floating point value in the range of 0.0...end, inclusive of 0.0 but exclusive of end.

float(start: Number, end: Number): Number

Returns a floating point value in the range of start...end, inclusive of start but exclusive of end.

int(end: Number): Number

Returns an integer in the range 0.0...end, inclusive of 0.0 but exclusive of end.

int(start: Number, end: Number): Number

Returns an integer in the range start...end, inclusive of start but exclusive of end.

sample(list: List): Any

Given a list, this will pick an element from that list at random.

sample(list: List, count: Number): List

Randomly selects count elements from the list and returns them in a new list. This provides “sampling without replacement”, so each element is distinct.

shuffle(list: List): List

Uses the Fisher-Yates algorithm to shuffle the provided list in place. The list is also returned for convenience.