

The comfortable framework for making games in Wren

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You have access to a subset of the Wren slot API in order to access parameters and return values in foreign methods. The methods are incredibly well documented in the Wren public header, so we will not be documenting the functions here.

You do not need to include the wren.h header in your application, as dome.h includes everything you need.




This is a list of provided methods:

           void     ensureSlots(WrenVM* vm, int slotCount);
           void     setSlotNull(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
           void     setSlotBool(WrenVM* vm, int slot, bool value);
           void     setSlotDouble(WrenVM* vm, int slot, double value);
           void     setSlotString(WrenVM* vm, int slot, const char* text);
           void     setSlotBytesWrenVM* vm, int slot, const char* data, size_t length);
           void*    setSlotNewForeign(WrenVM* vm, int slot, int classSlot, size_t length);
           bool     getSlotBool(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
           double   getSlotDouble(WrenVM* vm, int slot);    
     const char*    getSlotString(WrenVM* vm, int slot);   
     const char*    getSlotBytes(WrenVM* vm, int slot, int* length);                   
           void*    getSlotForeign(WrenVM* vm, int slot);                   
        WrenType    getSlotType(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
           void     setSlotNewList(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
           int      getListCount(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
           void     getListElement(WrenVM* vm, int listSlot, int index, int elementSlot);
           void     setListElement(WrenVM* vm, int listSlot, int index, int elementSlot);
           void     insertInList(WrenVM* vm, int listSlot, int index, int elementSlot);
           void     setSlotNewMap(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
           int      getMapCount(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
           bool     getMapContainsKey(WrenVM* vm, int mapSlot, int keySlot);
           void     getMapValue(WrenVM* vm, int mapSlot, int keySlot, int valueSlot);
           void     setMapValue(WrenVM* vm, int mapSlot, int keySlot, int valueSlot);
           void     removeMapValue(WrenVM* vm, int mapSlot, int keySlot, int removedValueSlot);

WrenInterpretResult interpret(WrenVM* vm, const char* module, const char* source);
WrenInterpretResult call(WrenVM* vm, WrenHandle* method);

           bool     hasModule(WrenVM* vm, const char* module);
           bool     hasVariable(WrenVM* vm, const char* module, const char* name);
           void     getVariable(WrenVM* vm, const char* module, const char* name, int slot);
     WrenHandle*    getSlotHandle(WrenVM* vm, int slot);
           void     setSlotHandle(WrenVM* vm, int slot, WrenHandle* handle);
           void     releaseHandle(WrenVM* vm, WrenHandle* handle);
           void     abortFiber(WrenVM* vm, int slot);

Module Embedding

If your plugin registers a Wren module, you can embed the source of that module in your plugin by using DOME’s built-in embed subcommand, which will convert it into a C include file.

$ dome embed sourceFile [moduleVariableName] [destinationFile]


$ dome embed external.wren sourceModule external.wren.inc

This command will use external.wren to generate external.wren.inc, which contains the variable sourceModule for including in C/C++ source code.