

The comfortable framework for making games in Wren

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How to configure DOME

Now that you have DOME installed you can use it to create whatever application you wish. It comes with a number of settings pre-configured, but you may want to change some of these defaults, to suit your project or for performance reasons.

This article goes over a few different things you might want to adjust.

Setup a project

DOME begins execution from a “main.wren” file. It treats the location of that file as the “root” of the project directory. All module imports and asset paths are relative to it. It’s recommended to keep your project contained within that directory (although nested folders are allowed) to make packaging your project for distribution easier.

Set up your window

Most of DOME’s engine settings can be accessed in the dome module. This includes the Window which has a few useful settings to modify.

From this class, you can:

Feature Management

DOME strives to be backwards-compatible, but it is possible that your project relies on features from a version of DOME that is newer than the version running the project.

In that case, you can use the Version class (found in the dome module) to test the currently running version, and assert that you are at that minimum level.

Logging and Error Handling

By default, DOME displays syntax errors and uncaught exceptions in a couple places for easy access:

  • An OS dialog is displayed, containing the encountered error.
  • The message is printed out to a DOME-log.out file, placed in the same location as your main.wren file.
  • If possible, it also prints to stdout, but this is only visible on a terminal.

For some, the OS dialog is obnoxious, so it can be disabled setting Process.errorDialog to false.